How I overcome my P*RN addiction

Akibur Rahman (Akib)
4 min readMar 13, 2021
Source: Internet

How I get addicted

For the Corona pandemic, we all went through a very difficult time in mankind's history. We all stuck in our homes because of lockdown. Our routine changed completely. During the lockdown, I felt too much panicked and anxious. That time my brain started looking for ways to get rid of this kind of pain. To overcome the pain I started watching funny videos from Youtube, TikTok, and Facebook. By watching videos from these platforms my brain did not get enough dopamine, the brain wants new things. Then I started watching porn. This is the time when I started addicted to porn. I was in 14 days quarantine. That time I spend that period alone. Then time felt too much anxious and panicked. I felt I am Covid-19 positive. I thought I am having a sore throat and fever. Continuously checking online covid checker websites for finding the answer “Am I really Covid-19 positive?”. Spend a very scary time. That time I completely rely on porn. This the time I fully get addicted to porn. Since that time I am watching porn 3–5 times every day (more than 3–4 hours) until 30 December 2020.

This is the story about how I get addicted.

How I overcome

After reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. I have got a clear idea about how habits work. I learn about the habit loop.

Habit loop (

In this habit loop, There are 4 steps Cue, Craving, Reward, Response. The cue triggers a Craving, which motivates a Response, which provides a Reward, which satisfies the craving. Ultimately this becomes associated with the cue. These four steps form a neurological feedback loop. This loop is known as the habit loop.

We can split this habit loop into two phases: the problem phase and the solution phase. The problem phase is Cue, Craving and the solution phase is Response and Reward. Our all behavior is driven by the desire to solve a problem. We want to solve problems through our actions. Like bellow.

These four things are common for our every habit or behavior. So we need to take control to create or break habits. Below are the 4 Golden Laws for creating or break habits.

By following these laws we can easily break and create habits. For quitting p*rn I apply these laws.
First I started overseeing myself to find what is the Cue for this habit. I found two cues.

  • When I get depressed
  • When I go to bed with the phone

Then start applying 1st law — Make it invisible. For the first cue, this very hard control over my feelings. When I will get depressed. Though I set up my environment to get less depression. I started listening to music, reading books, and talking with more peoples. By doing this make it a little bit invisible. And the second cue, I set up a goal to not touch the phone after 9:30 pm.

Then start applying 2nd law — Make it unattractive. I have started reading blogs and watching videos about the bad side of watching p*rn. How p*rn destroying our mind and thinking. Here is some Ted Talk about p*rn.

Then start applying 3rd law — Make it difficult. I have started making responses very difficult. When I got depressed instead of taking my phone I started reading books, going for walks, talking with people. Also when I work on my laptop I remaining open the doors of my room, so everyone can see my screen what I am doing. And also I stop taking my when going to bed for sleep. I took my phone inside of my table drawer.

By following these 3 laws, the last law becomes reverse. Instead of making the reward unsatisfying to this started becoming satisfying to me. Because I am feeling the changes inside myself. It’s become very satisfying to me.

By following these 4 laws, I completely overcome the p*rn addiction. Today is 74 days of quitting p*rn. This is a great achievement of this year.

What Benefit do I get

After quitting porn, I see and feel tons of change in me. I was struggling to get them many years from now. Now I get them like a miracle. Here is a list of benefits.

  1. Less Depression. Previously I was in moderate/disorder type mental health issue. But now I rarely get depressed.
  2. Enjoying whatever I do.
  3. Getting quality sleep.
  4. More energetic, more focused, and more present.
  5. Less Masturbation.
  6. Less wet-dreaming.


I request you If you consuming porn, Please stop it for one week by following these 4 laws then see the changes on you. I believe it will change your life completely, like mine. You can read Atomic Habits by James Clear to get more ideas about creating and breaking habits.

Wise you to best of luck on the journey.



Akibur Rahman (Akib)

MERN Stack Developer | Book lover | Also a Procrastinator